Monday, June 18, 2018


In the beginning there were no blogs, only basic particles, energy, space, and various other stuff about which cosmologists speculate. Blogs came later, and when they did, many people thought "I know, I'll start a blog". And they did and you would meet people at parties who would say they had a blog, and it would sound similar to when people used to say they were writing a novel or starting their own business. Some of the blogs were good and still are. Other blogs were not so good because they didn't really say anything interesting. How many pictures of your food and stories about traveling does the world really want to see? The biggest problem was that starting a blog was the easy part. Adding content week after week was the hard part, and many blogs languished after an initial flurry of activity, and a pronouncement of the blog's existence at parties. That's embarrassing for that same blogist at the next party where the he or she is asked "So how's the blog going?" and the answer is a disappointing "Oh, I haven't posted in a while, but I'll get back to it soon."

So it is with trepidation that I start this blog. I am taking a risk. Certainly, until I have posted enough content and gotten into a rhythm with adding new content, I am not going to tell a soul. Eventually though, I'll post something amazing, and I'll mention that I did so on Facebook, and people will read it, and then they will notice other posts, and the next time I see them they'll say "Oh, I didn't know you had a blog. Why didn't you tell me?". And I'll refer them to this, the first post, and it will become clear. I didn't want the pressure. I didn't want readers. Not yet anyway. Its too delicate. Too new. What if I get discouraged? What if some evil troll is overly critical? It could burst my bubble.

So I'll keep this to myself for now!